All shareholders in Gaming Corps AB (publ) have today been summoned to the 2021 Annual General Meeting on the 29th of June. As a safety measure due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the meeting is held digitally. The Company urges all shareholders to submit their voting forms before June 28th.

These are all the documents relating to the 2021 Annual General Meeting, as Gaming Corps AB is listed in Sweden the documents are in Swedish. If you need any assistance, please email us at

SUMMONS: Gaming Corps AB Årsstämma 2021 – Kallelse 2021-05-31
PARTICIPATION AND VOTING FORM: Gaming Corps AB Årsstämma 2021 – Anmälan och formulär för förhandsröstning
PROXY FORM: Gaming Corps AB Årsstämma 2021 – Fullmaktsformulär
BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES: Gaming Corps AB Årsstämma 2021 – Styrelseprotokoll
ELECTION COMMITTEE PROPOSALS: Gaming Corps AB Årsstämma 2021 – Valberedningens fullständiga förslag

2021 marks the second year in a row when we need to limit the scope of the Gaming Corps AGM in order to keep everyone safe during the still ongoing pandemic. I hope as many shareholders as possible take the opportunity to register and submit a pre voting form, thus participating with the means currently at our disposal. As Chairman, and a shareholder myself which also goes for many of my colleagues, I will miss this annual opportunity to meet you all and present the company. I trust next year the situation will have improved, and that everyone who has invested in Gaming Corps will be able to meet once again to carry out our common shareholder duty. Until then – thank you for your continuing support and I hope to see you all in June 2022!

Claes Tellman, Chairman of the Board