Home is where you lay your hat, or so they say. Home sweet home for us at Gaming Corps means three different locations in Europe – Kyiv, Malta and Uppsala.
Gaming Corps was founded in Uppsala, Sweden, which also serves as the location of the corporate head office. The most recent expansion of Gaming Corps, both in terms of location and competencies, came with the establishment of a team in Kyiv, Ukraine. Kyiv is where we find our visual inspiration for the calendar today, featuring one of the largest cities in Europe by stunning sunset. In our history lies of course the sensitive matter of the Vikings invading Kyiv in the 9th century, travelling all the way from the pagan centre of Uppsala down to Constantinople and on the way doing some rather unwelcome pillaging and settling in and around Kyiv. Such baggage! But we do hope that this new happy marriage between Sweden and Ukraine in the wonderful world of iGaming and Gaming serves as a final token of peace and harmony, and judging by the team work so far, balance certainly has been restored!
After having established relations in 2019 with Ukrainian subcontractors, Gaming Corps decided mid 2020 to grow the company by adding qualified staff dedicated to the iGaming business. Current focus for the Kyiv team is on front end development, quality assurance, analysis, testing and project management, working as one integrated unit with the iGaming team in our second location, Malta.
The Mediterranean island nation of Malta is where the majority of Gaming Corps’ team members can be found. The office is situated in a technology park called Smart City in Kalkara, which is where Gamin Corps’ subsidiary Gaming Corps Malta Ltd. is formally based. The Smart City office hosts eleven team members who work within both Gaming and iGaming, focusing on game design, development, IT, art creation, animation, content creation and more. Malta is also where we have office management and administration. Having been established for a long time as a key international hub for Gaming and iGaming companies, Malta was the choice for the current management team when Gaming Corps needed a new main location for its development studio after the divestment of the previous subsidiary and studio in Austin, USA.
It appears as though there is more to apologize for as the Vikings sort of invaded Malta as well, or at least indirectly and not very successfully, by way of the Normans. Again, the baggage! Rest assured though that the current Vikings of the company are a peaceful group of team members who work from Gaming Corps’ main location in Uppsala, Sweden. Uppsala is the head office and the location that the management team works from, although one of our members resides in Spain. Hence in Uppsala the team members are focused on leadership, strategy, financing, investor relations, marketing, business development, communication, commercial relationships, sales and more. When our Board of Directors meet it is most often in Uppsala as all board members are based in Sweden.