What is the meaning of life? How many atoms are in an orange? Will JK Rowling ever get the Nobel Prize in literature? These are not questions Gaming Corps can provide an answer to, but we can tell you a bit about our company. Welcome to the first #AskGamingCorps!
As a company noted on the stock market, it is vital that Gaming Corps communicates with all stakeholders but most importantly with our shareholders. In many cases we can’t answer questions as they pertain to information which needs to be press released at the correct time to everyone simultaneously. But we also get questions regarding things that have been communicated before, where it is a matter of clarification, and we get general questions regarding the company. We are always very happy to hear from our shareholders and have launched the #AskGamingCorps initiative to encourage more involvement and ensure that questions asked are answered as publicly as possible. Below is a selection of questions we have gotten over the past few weeks. Based on what you have sent us we can conclude that the focus out there currently is Malta and the licence process and the Gaming Corps Minis collection, among other things.
What is the status of the licence application on Malta?
As previously communicated, we held off on registering the Maltese company until after July 1st in order to avoid unnecessary reporting. Since the license should be under the Maltese company, we thus held off with submitting the actual application to the MGA until the entity was formed. Instead a lot of work went into preparing for the registration and the application respectively. We were told that the application was handed in during summer and printed that in our Q2 report. However, after the publication we found out that there had been a slight miscommunication between us and the consulting firm in charge of this – what they had done was a pre-submission to the MGA, holding off on the formal submission of the application in favour of submitting more extensive content. Had we understood that we would have phrased the information in the Q2 report differently, as we always strive to be extremely precise. It does however matter little in terms of the application itself which is why the difference between formal submission and pre-submission is not something we have communicated. Either you prepare extensively before submitting while letting the MGA know you are in the process, or you submit quickly and then have a longer period of back and forth with the MGA. Both equally viable strategies, our consultants chose the former and have spent extra time on technical specifications. When it comes to how long it takes for an application to be processed by the MGA, we have been told between 3-6 months but it appears to be an informal timeframe. We have not been informed of what to expect for us specifically. Given that our application contains extensive preparation we hope for a short process time.
What happens to the slots if you don’t get the license?
This is not something we are worried about. There is a list of formal requirements and it is our opinion that Gaming Corps meets them. The slot production is going well but the products are not in the market yet, so a pending license application is not yet a concern. If we were to end up in a situation where our products are market-ready before the license is approved, we have the option of either waiting it out or partnering with another company who have a license. We have chosen not to partner with another company, so in the unlikely event that this happens we will focus on sales which can kick into an extra gear once products are 100% finished. That goes for Europe, when it comes to large parts of Asia there are no license requirements so as soon as the products are market-ready they can be made available in several markets outside Europe.
What is the status of the casino slot line?
We are on schedule.
What happened to Slam Dunk Basketball?
Slam Dunk Basketball was an initiative that didn’t have much success for the company. As the initial assessment by the current management team was that Slam Dunk Basketball had no viable prospects, no time has yet been dedicated into assessing this properly. As with many other aspects of the company we are still learning and evaluating, so we will eventually look into this more carefully. But for now the answer is that we will not market this game again.
What happened to the Real Madrid app?
In addition to not rendering any income to speak of, the app has also had quite a few technical issues. Here the answer is much the same as with Slam Dunk Basketball; our initial assessment is that this app has no viable prospects, but when time allows, we will evaluate it properly.
What is the timeline for Oh Frog?
No change from previous communication. The game is slotted to release Q1 2020 but we are looking into pushing that forward to before Christmas 2019. Any changes will be communicated.
When will Undead Vikings be available?
Undead Vikings is one of the slots closest to being finalised. When Undead Vikings or any other slot is market-ready that will be communicated.
I have had technical difficulties playing a game from the Gaming Corps Mini collection, how do I report that?
You can always email us, but the best thing is to write a review on Google Play. That way both our creative team and other players are informed.
What is the plan for the Gaming Corps Minis collection?
We have created a number of simple but fun mobile games as part of a marketing campaign, first and foremost to regain our position as a developer. Gaming Corps has had 0 output in the past years. Since the new management team came onboard, we have started several projects out of which many are near conclusion but still pending. So aside from creating games which hopefully gain traction and test ideas for later production, the Minis collection also shows our shareholders that we CAN produce games and there ARE things happening in this company. As we always say – we know that Gaming Corps must regain trust that has been lost. We work on that every day and this is one more way of doing that.
Will you market the Gaming Corps Minis collection elsewhere than the website?
Probably, but we will first assess the output of the first batch. As previously communicated one of the purposes of the collection is testing.
When will the Gaming Corps Minis collection be available on iOs?
We can’t say. The process takes some time and you have to have the right software and hardware registered. We are working on it.
Are you looking for interns in Sweden?
Not at this time. Having an intern is a commitment, is it not just cheap labour to be exploited but someone for whom you invest time and mentorship. We are not yet able to do that but hopefully soon.
What is the status of the re-listing process on Nasdaq?
All the information we have is published in the latest quarterly report.
What did part of the management team and board do in Malta last week?
We are travelling to Malta more frequently now since the organization there is growing.
What is your current cash flow?
Most questions pertaining to our financial situation can’t be answered in between reports due to that being information which most likely can be considered inducive to the share price. This is an example of such a question. We report on Gaming Corps finances quarterly and yearly, and major changes in between are press released as per regulation and law.