Gaming Corps AB (publ.) hereby gives notice of the annual General Meeting which will be held on June 20th 14.00 at the Clarion Hotel Sign on Östra Järnvägsgatan 35 in Stockholm.
For details on terms of participation and agenda, please consult the full notice (in Swedish) Kallelse till Bolagsstämma i Gaming Corps 2019-06-20
For information on suggested decisions presented by the board and nomination committee, please consult this document (in Swedish) Förslag till beslut vid Bolagsstämma i Gaming Corps 2019-06-20
For those attending the meeting with the aid of a proxy, please download and sign this document (Sw: Fullmaktsformulär) Fullmakt vid Bolagsstämma 2019-06-20
For questions regarding the meeting, please email CCO Erika Mattsson,